Voluntariado en Acción

Promovemos la participación ciudadana y el desarrollo social a través del trabajo voluntario en Buenaventura.

Galería Voluntariado

Imágenes que reflejan el impacto del voluntariado en Buenaventura.

man and woman holding hands on street
man and woman holding hands on street
a group of young children sitting at a table
a group of young children sitting at a table
A large group of people gathered together, predominantly smiling and appearing engaged. The crowd includes men, women, and children of various ages. The focus seems to be on the interaction and expressions among the people, with some individuals clapping and others raising their hands.
A large group of people gathered together, predominantly smiling and appearing engaged. The crowd includes men, women, and children of various ages. The focus seems to be on the interaction and expressions among the people, with some individuals clapping and others raising their hands.
Several hands are engaged in a gardening activity, arranging small plants in pots filled with soil. The scene is outdoors, likely in a community garden or a similar setting. A black pot and soil are visible on the table.
Several hands are engaged in a gardening activity, arranging small plants in pots filled with soil. The scene is outdoors, likely in a community garden or a similar setting. A black pot and soil are visible on the table.